Genesis Review: Sharpening Your Focus: Dinner Table Discussions

Sharpening Your Focus: Dinner Table Discussions


  1. Genesis is divided into 10 sections indicated 10 times by the phrase:
  2. “In the beginning God… The Hebrew word for “God”:
  3. The verse in chapter one showing “God” to be more than one “person”:
  4. Six literal days of creation are indicated by the phrase:
  5. Dating the earth by studying geology does not consider that God created everything full grown, and thus with the appearance of:
  6. God rested the 7th Day to ultimately give the NT picture of:
  7. God created marriage to ultimately picture:
  8. The two trees in the midst of the Garden:
  9. Satan’s primary appeal to Eve was that she could be:
  10. The three lusts that were stirred in Eve were:                                   Cf. 1 John
  11. The curse on the Serpent:
  12. The curse on the woman:
  13. The curse regarding the man:
  14. The first two children of Adam and Eve:
  15. According to John 8:44, other than Cain, who also committed murder?
  16. Eve had another child to replace Abel. His name was:           His name means:
  17. In chapter 5, the key phrase in the 10 generations from Adam to Noah is:
  18. The person who did not die?
  19. His son, who was the oldest recorded man:                      How old?
  20. Noah’s three sons:
  21. The dimensions of the Ark in feet:
  22. How long Noah and his family were in the Ark:
  23. In the Hebrew, the rainbow is actually referring to:
  24. The reason evil men built the tower of Babel:
  25. When the people were scattered, Shem’s descendants lived in the _______ part of the world; Japheth’s in the ______ part of the world; Ham’s in the _______ part.
  26. The two great nations that came from Shem:
  27. Ham’s four sons____________________ from which came four great nations:
  28. How old was Shem when the Flood came?        His age at death:
  29. The father of Abraham:                       Where they lived:
  30. Abraham’s two brothers:                      Which died young?
  31. The one who died young had a son named:
  32. When God called Abraham, the family went to:
  33. After Abraham’s father died, his wife _____ and his nephew ____ traveled to ______
  34. God’s three promises to Abraham:
  35. After Abraham rescued his nephew from the four kings of the East, he was met by and king and priest named:                 The NT reference to him is in:
  36. Abraham believed the promises of God and was counted righteous because of:
  37. Abraham’s wife:          Because she was barren she gave Abraham her handmaid:
  38. The handmaid had a son named:                The nation who came from him:
  39. Abraham’s nephew moved to:        The other three cities destroyed with it:
  40. This nephew had children by:               The nations that came from them:
  41. Abraham’s wife ______ had a child named ______ at age _____. Abraham’s age ____
  42. This child’s name means:
  43. His wife’s name _______, was the daughter of _______, who was the son of ______.
  44. They had two sons named:                               Their nations were:
  45. The younger son bought the older son’s ___________ and stole his _____________.
  46. To escape his older brother, he fled to _____ where he worked ___ years to marry ______, the daughter of _____, who was brother to ______. He received _____as wife instead and had to work ___ more years.
  47. He then worked _____ years for flocks, and thus lived ___ years total in this land.
  48. Jacob had _____ sons. His first four sons by his wife _____were:
  49. Christ came through:
  50. Jacob’s loved wife eventually had two sons named:
  51. Jacob also had four sons by his two concubines __________ and ____________. Jacob had a daughter named ________.
  52. Reuben sinned by:                    Simeon & Levi sinned by:
  53. Judah’s three sons by a Canaanite woman:
  54. The oldest married _____, but was killed by God along with his brother. She then had twins by:
  55. Joseph was ___ years old when he was sold by his brothers to __________ traders who in turn sold him to ___________ in Egypt.
  56. He was falsely accused and thrown in prison where he interpreted the dreams of:
  57. Which of these died?
  58. At age ___ Joseph was exalted to prime minister.
  59. He had two sons named:                            The oldest’s name means:
  60. Which son of Jacob devised the plan to sell Joseph?
  61. Which son of Jacob offered his life as a slave to save Benjamin?
  62. The whole family came to Egypt and lived in:
  63. Joseph’s life became a shadow/picture of:
  64. Joseph died at age:      Abraham died at:       Isaac died at:       Jacob died at:
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