Child Baptism

Child Baptism

  • This is not about figuring out a specific age. Questions we need to answer: 
    • Is there is authority in scripture for baptizing a child?  
    • “Is there any need for a child to be baptized? 
    • “Does a child have the ability and maturity to understand what is the true meaning of baptism? 
  • Why are the majority of children who grow up on the pew worried about their “sins” and desiring to be baptized?
  • Let’ begin with the “simple” texts and principles:
    • Acts 8:12 Men and women were baptized after believing “the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
      If you were asked to explain the “good news (gospel) of the kingdom” and the “name” of Jesus, how would you answer?
    • Acts 8:35 Before the eunuch was baptized, Philip “preached Jesus to him.” I think we would all admit there is a tendency, especially in youth, to just “believe in baptism.” (And yes, this is happened entirely too much with adults.) 
    • Since baptism is “for the forgiveness of sins,” a primary question would be, “Is a child accountable for their “sins?” Or, “Can we even say that God even calls the faults of children “sin?” 
      • Romans 7:5-9
      • Deuteronomy 1:39
  • Question: What was expected of people in the first century to believe before they were baptized?
    • We must be careful to not expect a mature knowledge of scripture? Cf. Acts 2:38-39.
    • Is there a difference between knowing facts and knowing Jesus? Cf. Jeremiah 31:31-34
    • Even simpler question: What does it take to have faith?
      • It takes evidence (Romans 10:17)
      • Belief in the resurrection
      • How does the death and resurrection of Jesus affect one’s understanding of baptism? (Romans 6:3-4; Col. 2:11-12; 1 Peter 3:21
    • Discipleship principles that need to be understood?
      • John 3:5
      • Luke 14:26-33
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